Mark Greenwood <> asks > There is a piece in this month's Air Transport World that NAV Canada is > going to implement RVSM between 29,000 and 41,000 ft. Can any of the > air traffic controllers on the list enlighten me as to what RVSM is? RVSM = Reduced Vertical Separation Minima It's a plan to reduce the required minimum separation from 2,000 feet to 1,000 feet (this is from memory, so I won't swear to the actual numbers), so that more aircraft can use a specific bit of airspace at a time. It requires more accurate and reliable altimeters to ensure that assigned levels are respected. RVSM has already been implemented over Europe. Best regards, Stefano Pagiola Environment Department, The World Bank, Mail Stop MC5-511 1818 H Str NW, Washington DC 20433, USA Tel. 202-458-2997 Fax 202-522-1735, E-Mail Web site: