Hello from bizjournals.com! David Mueller (davidm@smail.info) thought you might like the following article from Pacific Business News: United: we'll stop issuing paper tickets in 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------ United Airlines will charge a $20 fee for paper tickets on flights where electronic booking is possible, and says some time next year it will stop printing paper tickets altogether. The airline said Monday the new fee will kick in Thursday of this week and will apply to all Hawaii flights. American Airlines announced a similar policy a few weeks ago and said it will get out of the paper ticket business by next March. Northwest and Continental, which are moving in a similar trend, issue regular reports on the number of passengers who use electronic ticketing and both say a majority of passengers now do not use paper tickets. Copyright(c) American City Business Journals Inc. All rights reserved. You can view this article on the web at: http://pacific.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2002/07/29/daily24.html