A WorldNetDaily.com article from damiross@xxxxxxxxx

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<font size=3D2 face=3Darial>You have been sent this message from=
 David Ross<br>(damiross@attbi=2Ecom) as a courtesy of=
 WorldNetDaily=2Ecom (<a=
</a>)=2E<br><br>Key sentences in this article: "El Al uses its=
 limited security resources on individuals who profile as=
 possible threats to the airline=2E El Al profiles by race,=
 national origin, age, gender, religion and even politics=2E A=
 young Arab man with a beard and the Koran in his hand is going=
 to get far more attention from the airline's security services=
 than is the 70-year-old wife of a rabbi=2E "<br><br>To view the=
 entire article, visit <a=
297</a><br><br>Tuesday, July 16,=
----------<br>You can find real silverware on El Al<br>By William=
------------<br><br><font size=3D1>Posted: July 16, 2002<br>1:00=
 a=2Em=2E Eastern<br><br></font><p><i>Editor's note: William J=2E=
 Murray, head of the Religious Freedom Coalition, is visiting the=
 West Bank to take aid to Palestinian Christian families, many of=
 whom have been the victims of discrimination, harassment or=
 worse=2E He is filing reports and commentary on his travels=
 exclusively for WorldNetDaily=2E</i></p>
<P>The big three airlines, American, Delta and United have=
 something in common, other than Boeing aircraft=2E All of=
 America's airlines, those that still serve food, give their=
 passengers cheap plastic knives to eat with for "security"=
 reasons=2E The plastic knives are "safe" by politically correct=

<P>Then why does the most secure airline in the world, El Al,=
 still give its passengers a full set of silverware including=
 knives? During a full dinner service from New York to Tel Aviv=
 each Business Class passenger is presented with a full=
 complement of dinner utensils which includes three metal knives=
 if the small butter knife is counted=2E

<P>Perhaps El Al gives their passengers real knives and forks=
 instead of the politically correct plastic version used on=
 American carriers because the airline is confident it has not=
 boarded any undesirables who would use the knives as weapons=2E=
 What makes El Al managers so self-assured? El Al profiles its=

<P>El Al would not pat down Al Gore or demand to x-ray the shoes=
 of former Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel as has occurred on=
 our domestic airlines=2E El Al uses its limited security resources=
 on individuals who profile as possible threats to the airline=2E=
 El Al profiles by race, national origin, age, gender, religion=
 and even politics=2E A young Arab man with a beard and the Koran=
 in his hand is going to get far more attention from the=
 airline's security services than is the 70-year-old wife of a=

<P>The very thought of these profiling techniques raises the hair=
 on the head of every ACLU attorney=2E Civil libertarians cry out=
 that just because an individual is a sworn enemy of our nation=
 is no reason to refuse him the hospitality of our airlines=2E

<P>Americans need to face the cold hard fact that there are=
 indeed those who not only want to destroy our way of life, but=
 to take our lives as well=2E The only way to keep our airlines=
 safe from terrorism is to identify those who share common traits=
 with terrorists=2E Plastic knives are not the solution=2E

<P>About those plastic knives: If a plastic knife can cut an=
 airline steak, it can cut your throat=2E


<P>Related story:

Christians also victims of Islamic terror</A>


<P><I><a href=3D"mailto:wjmurray@rfcnet=2Eorg";>William J=2E Murray</a>=
 is chairman of <a href=3D"http://www=2Erfcnet=2Eorg/";>the Religious=
 Freedom Coalition</a>, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the=
 restoration of religious freedom in the United States as=
 envisioned by the authors of the Constitution=2E</I><P><P>=A9 2002=

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