Hi Paul,
thanks for taking a look into the application!
As near as I can make out, the Sovereign Tech Fund Bug Resilience
Program application
provides funding only for bug bounties, where the bugs are security
vulnerabilities. (The other help it offers is all in-kind.)
I don't think you are right. Citing from the application you linked, I
am referring to "direct contribution":
> Direct Contributions will be provided by Neighborhoodie GmbH
> and entails direct code and non-code contributions, such
> as triaging, sorting and fixing known issues, supporting projects
> with additional coding capacity, re-engineering/re-coding/refactoring
> or removing code, improving documentation and contributor
> onboarding material, as well as help implementing best practices
> or standards for maintainability
Sounds pretty much what autoconf and automake need! And you are right,
there are two other ways to apply for help, both are related to
security: a bug bounty program and security audits. I think they would
be valuable, but probably later.