Re: mirrorlist server selection

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Seth Vidal wrote:

On Wed, 17 Mar 2010, Les Mikesell wrote:

Doesn't the mirrorlist refer to the DNS names? So if you add, delete, or move a mirror you'd have to update DNS for its name, then put the DNS name in your mirrorlist - and you have two things that can get out of sync, both cached in various places.

I don't think you understand how the mirrorlist works.
It's just a list of mirrors of the repo you want available and the path to that location.

Yes, doesn't that mean someone has to put those names in DNS first so the list can refer to them?

So each host behind a squid picks a name from the list and since they are likely different names, squid won't know the target url is already in its cache. And getting/managing copies of the mirrorlist is much slower than a new DNS lookup. There's probably a rare case where being able to 'yum clean all' on demand is quicker than waiting for an intermediate DNS cache to refresh and clear a bad entry, but things have gone badly wrong if you need that.

For dealing with squid either:

1. setup a private mirror and user mirrormanager to refer your folks there
2. use intelligentmirror

I'm not going to do oddball stuff like that for every distro/version that someone might want to run several copies of. If it doesn't bother you to make the mirrors work many times harder than they should, I'll live with it - but I still think it's a bad design.

  Les Mikesell

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