Yesterday's post was sloppy. Here are the actual details cut and pasted from yum.conf and "env" 1) added proxies to the yum.conf file proxy=http://nnn.mmm.n.n:3182 proxy=ftp://nnn.mmm.kkk:21 <<<**** invalid IPaddress yum could not connect to repos 2) defined global variables env | grep -i proxy http_proxy=http://nnn.mmm.n.n:3128 FTP_PROXY=ftp://nnn.mmm.kkk:21 <<<***** ftp_proxy=ftp://nnn.mmm.kkk:21 <<<***** HTTPS_PROXY=http://nnn.mmm.n.n:3128 https_proxy=http://nnn.mmm.n.n:3128 HTTP_PROXY=http://nnn.mmm.n.n:3128 yum could not connect 3) used panel->system->preferences->network proxy to set automatic proxy configuration = sitewide.proxy.script yum could not connect These steps were cumulative- ie the early steps were not disabled with each new step. I also experimented with using just ftp or just http - same problem. Finally after days I commented the proxy= statements in yum.conf yum connects and works ! OS = Fedora-5 hardware = intel 686. yum-2.6.1 connection > 5MHz Don't know how much is just my usual blundering or if there is a genuine problem; but am passing it on in case it helps someone else. Nor have I bothered to investigate which of the proxy definition(s) is/are needed. Looking at it now, the error in the ftp proxy is obvious I don't know how much damage this does. Interesting that when it is removed from yum.conf, yum copes with this error elsewhere. Pat _______________________________________________ Yum mailing list Yum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx