On 8/9/05, Marc Riddle <marcriddle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I have a yumgroups.xml file that contains several groups, one of which > is a group called 'baseline'. The goal of this group is for it to > contain a list of all packages that I need a specific version of > installed. For example, the current (testing) config looks something > like this: So, you want to keep stuff at a specific version. Sounds like "pinning" and has been discussed a bunch in the past: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=lang_ca%7Clang_nl%7Clang_en%7Clang_es&safe=off&q=site%3Alists.dulug.duke.edu+yum+pinning&btnG=Search&lr=lang_ca%7Clang_nl%7Clang_en%7Clang_es I believe it's now available via a plugin, but I don't venture into plugins because the core package supports all of my needs. Greg