in my attempt to yummify a somewhat out-of-date 0.94 fedora system, i just typed # yum update verified that there was lots of network traffic as packages were being downloaded, and went for coffee. silly me. i didn't check that there was adequate space for the numerous packages that were going to be updated in /var/cache/yum. after a while, not surprisingly, /var ran out of space and the yum update aborted. given that it appears that nothing was updated, i'm assuming that, when doing an update, *all* updateable RPMs must be downloaded successfully before the actual update will start, right? given that i'm not prepared to make /var bigger, i suspect i have a couple choices. i can always symlink /var/cache/yum to some location in a larger filesystem. or i can tell you to use a different location for the cache directory. i notice that you can specify a different cache directory in yum.conf with "cachedir", but there's no command-line option for that, right? this is obviously not hard to work around, i just wanted to make sure i knew all of my options and there wasn't an obscure yum feature that would beat this. anything else here i should know about? rday