On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 11:35:48AM -0700, Lars Damerow wrote: > What we'd like to do is have one SRPM that we'd rebuild on each kernel, > resulting in an RPM specifically versioned for that kernel. We'd put all of > those RPMs into our yum repository. Then, when a client updates, it'd only > install the RPM for its kernel. You might want to look into DKMS: http://www.lerhaupt.com/linux.html#dkms Excerpt from the above link: DKMS stands for Dynamic Kernel Module Support. It is designed to create a framework where kernel dependant module source can reside so that it is very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This will allow Linux vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel releases while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting to recompile modules for new kernels. Regards, Bill Rugolsky