On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 21:35, Lars Damerow wrote: > We're trying to find a way to distribute kernel modules using yum. It's trivial > if all of the machines syncing to the repository run the same kernel, but > that's not true in our case. [snip] You might find the Fedora package naming guidelines wrt. kernel module packages handy: http://www.fedora.us/wiki/PackageNamingGuidelines Concrete examples (and more up to date than the above doc): http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/9/i386/SRPMS.stable/kernel-module-thinkpad-4.4-0.fdr.1.src.rpm http://apt.ggu-squad.org/~pmatilai/fedora/kernel-module-ltmodem-8.26-0.fdr.5.a9.src.rpm The question how to cleanly incorporate building packages for smp and bigmem kernels from the same SRPM is sort of open yet. Cheers, -- \/