Ok, so I spent some time reading through the website, and a large portion of the list archives, but wasn't able to find much information about this. (although there is a chance I could have missed something in the archives, I was scanning through looking for pertinent subjects) Here is what I was thinking: First assume you have a new system (no previous install), and you've already setup the disks, mounted the partitions, bootstrapped RPM, setup networking, and manually installed only the rpms necessary to run yum (for example, this could be done from a boot cd, in a chrooted environment). Now, would it be possible to basically install this system completely from say a set of RedHat 9 RPMS, if you had a known set of packages you wanted to install (not necessarily using comps.xml). That way, yum could not only install the system (post bootstrap), but keep it up to date all over the network? I'm kind of just thinking out loud here, but would like to hear from anyone else that has thought about this and/or actually tried it (which I probably will do anyway, just for kicks). Thanks, Aaron