Folks, I know this has been touched on and rubbed up and down some but I can't figure out for the life of me what decided or if this was just full of crack. Specifically, I'm looking at the option of being able to keep and make the kernel and openafs package be a certain version. If your machine gets installed and has a kernel/openafs packages that are to high, you install the lower packages. If its time for an upgrade you don't upgrade past the specific version. (The latter handled by pkgpolicy). Is this functionaluty a part of the declairitive package stuff that has been discussed before? Question 2) If you use "command" in your config file, it looks like from the man page that when you call "yum update" those do not get run as you have specified a command on the CLI. Is this correct? Do I need to just call "yum" in the cron script for these commands to be run? Jack -- Jack Neely <slack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Linux Realm Kit Administration and Development PAMS Computer Operations at NC State University GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4 EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89