I have two physical machines as KVM hosts (clusterA.RHCS and clusterB.RHCS) , an iscsi target set into GFS. All I want is a HA Cluster which could migrate all the virtual machines on a node to another when the first node failed into some error status. So I created a cluster "cluster" using RHCS ,added the two hosts into the cluster . created a fence device . for every virtual machine on clusterA , create a service ,added a resouce which type is "virtual machine" , and set it's properties. But when I start the service ,I got these errors in /var/log/message : [root@clusterA ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages Nov 24 16:19:29 clusterA libvirtd: Could not find keytab file: /etc/libvirt/krb5.tab: Permission denied Nov 24 16:19:30 clusterA modclusterd: startup succeeded Nov 24 16:19:48 clusterA rgmanager[6754]: Executing /etc/init.d/httpd status Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA modcluster: Starting service: wuguang-xp on node Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[2198]: Stopping service vm:wuguang-xp Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[6850]: Using /etc/libvirt/qemu/wuguang-xp.xml instead of searching /etc/libvirt/qemu Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[6906]: xend/libvirtd is dead; cannot stop wuguang-xp Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[2198]: stop on vm "wuguang-xp" returned 1 (generic error) Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[2198]: Marking vm:wuguang-xp as 'disabled', but some resources may still be allocated! Nov 24 16:19:56 clusterA rgmanager[2198]: Service vm:wuguang-xp is disabled But I set the libvirt tcp authority to "none" , here is my libvirtd.conf: listen_tls = 0 listen_tcp = 1 tcp_port = "16509" auth_tcp
= "none"
my cluster.conf is : <?xml version="1.0"?> <cluster config_version="83" name="cluster"> <fence_daemon clean_start="0" post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="3"/> <clusternodes> <clusternode name="clusterA.RHCS" nodeid="1" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="fence1"> <device name="fence1"/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> <clusternode name="clusterB.RHCS" nodeid="2" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="fence2"> <device name="fence2"/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> </clusternodes> <cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1"/> <fencedevices> <fencedevice agent="fence_scsi" name="fence1" nodename="clusterA.RHCS"/> <fencedevice agent="fence_scsi" name="fence2" nodename="clusterB.RHCS"/> </fencedevices> <rm> <failoverdomains> <failoverdomain name="FD" nofailback="0" ordered="1" restricted="1"> <failoverdomainnode name="clusterA.RHCS" priority="1"/> <failoverdomainnode name="clusterB.RHCS" priority="2"/> </failoverdomain> </failoverdomains> <resources> <ip address="" monitor_link="on" sleeptime="10"/> <script file="/etc/init.d/httpd" name="www_script"/> <clusterfs device="/dev/dm-0" force_unmount="on" fsid="56449" fstype="gfs2" mountpoint="/var/lib/libvirt/images/iscsi" name="gfs2" self_fence="on"/> </resources> <service autostart="1" domain="FD" exclusive="0" name="www_service" recovery="relocate"> <ip ref=""/> <script ref="www_script"/> <clusterfs ref="gfs2"/> </service> <vm autostart="1" domain="FD" exclusive="0" migrate="live" name="wuguang-xp" path="/etc/libvirt/qemu" recovery="relocate" xmlfile="/etc/libvirt/qemu/wuguang-xp.xml"/> </rm> </cluster> What's wrong with my configuration of RHCS or libvirt? Thanks in advance wade
via foxmail