Thank you Very much for you efforts. I'll be studying these with interest.
I also plan on replying to the previous response to my request for help on
shard storage later today. I'm still trying to run some tests to see if I
understand how the Pools vs Volumes work with libvirt and iSCSI.
Thanks again!
On Wed, 5 May 2010, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
DV suggested that we document some libvirt setups using shared storage. I'm
not a fan of NFS, so I wrote some blog posts on how to use iSCSI in the
context of libvirt + KVM.
There is of course more than one way todo things, so I've outlined a couple
of different options. One completely manual command line approach using
tgtadm on the iSCSI server:
..and virsh/virt-install on the KVM host
Then one completely GUI based approach, using a QNAP NAS as the iSCSI server
..and a virt-manager on the KVM host:
You can of course mix+match, doing the iSCSI server the manual way and the
libvirt bits the GUI way and vica-verca. Any other commercial iSCSI server
will have the same concepts so the libvirt instructions apply in all likely
|: Red Hat, Engineering, London -o- http://people.redhat.com/berrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org -o- http://virt-manager.org -o- http://deltacloud.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org -o- http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
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