Problems with our NICs
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I am not sure if I am posting this to the correct list or not but here
goes. We have a cluster of DL380s we are setting up using RedHat 7.3. Our
problem is that the PCI Bus is probed first (these are gigabit connections
of which we have two) while the internal nics are probed last (these are
tg3 nics with 100mb connection also 2). We have one system set up as the
headwhile the other three are set up as nodes. We are kickstarting the
nodes using DHCP. Our problem is that eth0 is one of the gigabit cards but
we want our DHCP requests to go over our first internal nic (tg3). On the
head node this isnt a problem, we simply edit the modules.conf file and
move things around.
Our problem is the nodes that we want to kickstart using DHCP. They send
their requests via eth0 which is a problem since after editing the
modules.conf file on the head node eth0 is tg3&, the nodes never get
their IP addresses.
My question is: Is there anyway we can work around this with the
software? Any and all suggestions would be most helpful since I have been
working on this for a week now.
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