Hello all, I'm making some progress, but there's still some confusion on my part.... I've got a ks file on the floppy, but sometimes parts of it are not read. For example, I kept getting the keyboard, language, and network prompts until I put the right nfs server directory in the kickstart file. I fixed that, but why would anaconda not read those parts of the ks file? My current problem...dependency errors. Whenever the installation would fail, I would get an error for one of my RPM's. After a few failures, I commented out the RPM's that were causing the problems. That fixed it, but now the install goes forward until I get the dependency dialog box, listing more RPM's. Commenting these out isn't helping...again anaconda is ignoring part of my ks file, because it's telling me that I'm trying to install RPM's that I've commented out. Can anyone explain this behavior? On the same subject (and this is my last question), what are the options that I can use to get rid of the dependency dialog box. Are there switches for ignore, install anyway, ect? Thanks again, Drew