Hi list: I found this error message when i try to use kickstart configuration on a Dell PowerEdge 1550, with a Perc 3/DC as disk controller, the operative system is RedHat Linux 7.3: ---------- Could not allocate requested partitions: Partitioning failed: Could not allocate partitions. ---------- The error happens (i guess) in the partitioning section, the network part works fine (i can connect to the ftp server) , here is my ks.cfg file: lang en_US keyboard us mouse generic3ps/2 timezone --utc America/Santiago rootpw mypasswordhere url --url network --bootproto static --device eth0 --ip --netmask --gateway ... --nameserver ... install auth --useshadow --enablemd5 firewall --high --trust eth0 --trust eth1 --http --port 443:tcp clearpart --all zerombr yes part / --size 4270 --ondisk sda --fstype ext3 part /var --size 6000 --ondisk sda --fstype ext3 part /usr --size 6000 --ondisk sda --fstype ext3 part swap --recommended part /usr2 --size 13340 --ondisk sdb --fstype ext3 part /home --size 4000 --ondisk sdb --fstype ext3 bootloader --useLilo --location=mbr reboot %packages --resolvedeps @ Base @ Development @ Kernel Development @ Networked Workstation @ Utilities lynx openssl zip unzip dos2unix unix2dos openssh-server xinetd tux up2date rhn_register tcpdump What is wrong in my ks.cfg file? ... i used a similar file while installing RedHat 7.1 and everything worked great. Thanks in advance for your help, any tip is welcome !!! Cordially, Manuel Suanez Berrios Jefe Area Infraestructura Tecnologica Ministerio del Interior F.: 690-4698