dear everyone, i have to take an project at the end of my education. i want to choose the interesting theme of automatic installing of reed hat 7.2 via kickstart. i´ve found a lot of information about using kickstart. it works fine and so on. but my question os now here: how does the installation routine works? can anybody give me a listing what kickstart respective anaconda do during the proccess? current my status of information is that first the floppy-"kernel" is loaded with some drivers for fs and net, controlled by the syslinux parameters. next it´s searching for the ks.cfg and copy it to /tmp after this anaconda is working with the parameter --kickstart and the configuration is in work. but for my project-documentation this is too less information. can anybody help me??? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Malte Menkhoff Deutsche Telekom AG Telekom Training Center Berufsbildung Bielefeld Auszubildender T-Systems CSM GmbH mailto:malte.menkhoff@xxxxxxxxxx