Hello All, In the %post section, I add a user called 'jason' then I copy over some *.tgz files from the NFS server. The owner and group for those files is root. If I change the owner/group to 'jason' and untar the files into /home/jason, all the files are owned by jason but the directories created are owned by root. I suppose this is because I untar them as root. I need those directories to belong to jason. I could do a chmod on the directories but I was hoping there was a different answer. My question is......is there a way to 'login' as jason and untar the files in the %post section? Thanks! Rebecca %post ## Add a user useradd -c "Software System User" -m jason -p ABuoRyJppdRQ ## mount an NFS server mkdir /mnt/tmp echo "Mounting an NFS server and copying over files" mount -o nolock,ro,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /mnt/tmp ## copy packages needed to install dosemu cp /mnt/tmp/dosemu/dosemu*.tgz /home/jason ## unmount the NFS server umount /mnt/tmp rm -fr /mnt/tmp echo "Installing DosEmu" cd /home/jason chown jason *.tgz chgrp jason *.tgz tar -xzvf dosemu-freedos-bin.tgz tar -xzvf dosemu-1.0.2-bin.tgz ##rm -fr dosemu*bin.tgz