> -----Original Message----- > From: Manoj Jose [mailto:Manojj@xxxxxxx] > Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 4:10 PM > To: 'kickstart-list@xxxxxxxxxxx' > Subject: How to create Anaconda Update Disk? > > > I would like to know how to create anaconda update disk for a > driver in > RH7.1.. > Is there is any utility to generate the same?.. Check out Doug Ledford's site http://people.redhat.com/dledford/ under the Redhat Linux section. If I need to > write my own > update > disk Is there is any generic boot diskettes which I can make > use with my > anaconda update disk?.. How can I make a new boot diskettes if it is > required?. To create a new boot disk, get the image from the images/ directory on the CD. Under linux: Insert CD Insert Floppy (Windows formatted) mount /mnt/cdrom dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k Use boot.img for a cd install, bootnet.img for a network install. Now you have created a boot disk. Under Windows: Insert CD Insert floppy (format it first) Go to the Cdrom, into the dosutils folder. Double click on rawrite (rawrite.exe) Enter: ../images/boot.img and then your floppy drive (probably a:\) Then you should have a floppy. Forrest > I really appreciate any one's feedback or information about > the sites where > I can find more about it.. > Thanx In advance > --manoj >