Thanks, it works now. The -H crc solved my problems, and thanks for the
script too. I haven't run it yet, just started looking through it but it
looks handy.
Jan Pettersson
At 11:38 2001-04-24 -0400, you wrote:
I think I had the same problem when I was trying to do the same thing.
Don't remeber where I found it or if it was just trial and error but I
think it required some different cpio flags to fix.
Here are the pertinent lines from my script
#critical output file must be modules.cpio
find $KERNEL_VER -print -depth | cpio -H crc -ovF modules.cpio
gzip modules.cpio
rm -f $RD_MNT/modules/modules.cgz
cp modules.cpio.gz $RD_MNT/modules/modules.cgz
Chuck Moss
p.s. I will send you the whole script that works directly to your email