Greg Wallace wrote:
cool - thanks for that explanation. I am not a developer, and so once
you've dumbed a topic down, dumb it down a little more and that'll be
perfect for me :)
So, I am anxious to use some of func's stuff in NetDirector - espec.
the features you mentioned. And one of the things users have been
asking us for forever is the ability to run their own scripts through
ND - and so, if there's a way to get some economies of scale by having
a shared script repo across func/ND, that would be cool.
Yep, any case where something is generally useful for systems
management, we can ship that as part of Func. For modules that don't
quite make sense in Func, ND's installer could just drop them in the
modules directory, and they would work automagically.
As far as ND contribs to func, I'm wondering if there's a use case for
windows support in func...we'll be putting a stable ND agent for
windows on SF soon (this week I hope) and our agent arch. is like
yours - python, xml-rpc to theserver manager (ND's overlord equivalent)
I'd say it would be great if the Func agent ran everywhere. There's a
need for uber-lightweight, scriptable tools like that. We've already
got BSD, Arch, Debian, etc... so Windows should just take a bit of
hacking to make the crypto management code detect the OS differences and
fall in line. I'd definitely take patches on something like this (as
long as the Linux stuff keeps working, of course!). The Python crypto
libraries we are using should have Windows ports. So I'd say try it,
and send a patch off when you think you have it working out. If you
want to create some stuff to to generate a Windows installer (I'd
recommend NSIS) for Funcd that would be great as well.
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