Re: add community blog to start.fpo?

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2016-01-20 21:55 GMT+01:00 Remy DeCausemaker <decause@xxxxxxxxxx>:

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 05:32:29PM +0100, Robert Mayr wrote:
> We have a specific layout and a script fills the page with data. Images for
> example need to be present in any post and preferably even have nearly the
> same size.
> Sure, we can adjust it with the script to go through anyway, but the layout
> would loose it's uniformity.

Ah, these are good points. I think we might want to let the community
blog be a little more relaxed. There's also the question of audience --
I don't think we want the start.fpo page overwhelmed with
internally-focused articles. On the other hand, I don't want everything
to be all disconnected and give the feel that we keep creating new and
different places everyone is supposed to look.

When I posted the suggestion initially, I thought about asking if we
could use cookies or something to let people decide if they want to see
contributor-focused content on the start page. But I don't know if
that's worth the complication.

I'm not quite sure how the plumbing works on start.fp.o, but maybe would could be "choosey" and occasionally get some commblog articles (which follow the format and considerations robyduck mentioned) to be added to the site?

I don't want to create a ton of manual work if it is just "automatic" for magazine to show up there, and there is no process for adding things manually, FYI.

It' all done by a script which goes over the magazine feed and picks out the data, images, text we need. If we want to add something from the commblog, we could think about a section where contributors could go to read the commblog posts. But we would move slightly away from a one pager, start.fpo never was and was not created to be a full website where to navigate.

Maybe using Fedora Hubs for the start page could provide something like

And yes, I really am looking forward to making headway on Fedora Hubs. In commops weekly meeting, we discussed getting a ticket filed in Fedora-infra to see if we can get a staging instance up and running. Let's see if we can't talk with the infra team and find out.

That would be great!

Looking Forward,

Thanks Remy for catching this discussion and letting us know your thoughts about this interesting proposal too :)

Robert Mayr
websites mailing list

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