Re: New download pages, brainstorming

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On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 09:11:55PM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> > It's nice to have a brochure site (and I think the one we have is really
> > nice!), but I'd love to have the main landing site for both contributors
> > and users be more active
> But users and contributors necessarily have different goals and thus
> different tasks, so I'm not sure how/why one site should (or could)
> serve both?

I think we could do with a separate contributor hub, and also a separate
brocure site which would be more focused on people new to Fedora. For the
active main page, though, I think there's a lot of overlap -- contributors
are users too. 

> > -- something more like the Fedora Magazine site, with
> > frequently-updated curated content,
> > and with related sites depending on type
> > of interaction. 
> The point behind the current www.fpo site was that the content would be
> more frequently updated and curated, but the problem is that nobody
> stepped up to actually do that work (despite a couple of attempts). Thus
> we have pretty much all of the same exact tutorials and interviews that
> I wrote for the initial G.A. in - 2009 I think? Just because the content
> is stale now, doesn't mean if we redid it that it wouldn't get stale in
> another 3-4 years. There is a problem with the content, sure, but it's
> not the design, and I'm wary of building another one for more content to
> grow stale in.

Absolutely. I've seen this happen over and over not just at Fedora, so,
yeah, that's a hard problem. This is why I suggest merging with the Fedora
Magazine, and making sure we have at least one funded position to work on

> > I think these are
> >   - learn more -> brochure site, including who we are and how to get involved
> >   - get fedora -> download or launch the fedora products
> >   - user docs & help -> docs.fedora, user-focused wiki* , ask fedora
> We have this now....

Yes; I don't think what we have now is bad. In fact, I think it's pretty
awesome. And I don't mean that the things I listed aren't covered -- I was
just thinking out loud about what those things are from a step back.

> I think this is definitely a current weakness - but I don't think
> stapling this onto www.fpo is the solution. I think there should be a
> separate portal for contributors. Traditionally the wiki has been that
> portal, but it's not serving that need as well as it used to.


> >   * we currently don't have a user-focused wiki! We have some user-focused
> >     things mixed in with the contributor-focused wiki, and it's confusing
> >     and scary. I mean scary for me, let alone new users!
> A wiki is a piece of technology. What do users need that wiki technology
> would provide that we aren't currently providing? Let's start with the
> problem, not the implementation :)

Sure. What's needed is a low-barrier-to-entry way to find, consume, create,
and improve short documentation.

I think wiki is currently still the best way to do this, but I'd be happy
with something that's like the new WYSIWYG editor Wikipedia has (except
where that is actually scarier than the markup sometimes....)

Some of this might eventually graduate to more polished content -- and some of it might even be quick
pointers to sections _in_ the formal docs.

> >> Same here, I will start thinking about this, and maybe we can go to the
> >> board or fesco and ask for some guidance.
> > Yes please! (Not so much just asking for guidance, but I'd love to talk more
> > about all of this.)
> cool, do you think it's more fesco or more board appropriate?

Well, I'm on FESCo so I'm biased there. It's definitely FESCo-appropriate,
but the board may be interested as well.

Matthew Miller  ☁☁☁  Fedora Cloud Architect  ☁☁☁  <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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