Re: jpg vs png
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Patrick W. Barnes wrote:
Since JPEG is lossy and PNG is not, JPEG has a bit of an advantage in reducing
image sizes. As was already pointed out, reducing bit depth helps. If you
haven't already, give optipng a try. It's in our repositories. :-)
Yeh, I understand that PNG is not lossy and JPEG isn't. I just thought
there might be some trickery like saving a lossy JPEG out as a PNG? I
used to use Macromedia Fireworks back in the day and it was a lot better
at compressing PNGs pretty small without too poor a quality hit but they
do crazy stuff with PNGs too like adding in vector support.
I will definitely give optipng a try but I don't have much hope of
getting it down to 7k like in the jpg. :( I did indeed reduce the bit
depth as well.
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