Hi Ricky! Awesome fixes, thanks dude - Ricky Zhou wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote: I've increased the font size now, which should also enlarge some spacing/improve readability (yay relative units). As for the space between the sidebar and content, I was forced to move those really close to get Safari/1024x786 to display properly. Actually, as it stands now, there is absolutely no way for the fc6 and screenshot banners to display nicely on 800x600 (just the images sum up to 893px). I mentioned this issue in my previous mail, so I'll probably wait for advice on that to change spacing, etc. Just curious: Do you have an very large screen, or is there some browser problem that I'm not accounting for? With my previous version, it the font sizes were already obviously larger than the original (and now, it's even more apparent).
I have a 1024x768 laptop and a 1680x1050 widescreen lcd on my desktop machine, and some of the fonts appear really small for me as well. Are you sure you haven't set the system wide fonts in your gnome (or kde?) preferences or in firefox so that they come out smaller?
They are still quite small in the download li tags on the get fedora page. (http://fedora.riczho.dyndns.org/static/get-fedora.html) The rest look okay now though.
Re: the screenshots, let me size them down a bit. ~m