Máirín Duffy wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
It's about time that we launched that new website of ours. Who is
working on it and what's the status?
Okay so here's another update;
I've got 3 of the 4 pages:
1) Front page:
http://people.redhat.com/duffy/fedora/web/static-page-2.html (as I
just posted)
2) Get Fedora:
3) Join Fedora:
Do these look okay? Right info on there, etc?
Question: Could we make a "Fedora 6" version of this to stick out there
right now and then switch to the F7 pages when they get out? It'd be
nice to battle test some of this stuff before the actual release. What
do you think?
fedora logo - 4.7K
f7 now available banner - 8.2K
arrow bullet: 293 bytes
hr graphics: 320 bytes
drop shadows (left/right of screen): 304 bytes
html: ~4.5K/page
Do these seem like reasonable sizes?
At a glance yes, though I may change my mind in a day or so :) let me
crunch some numbers.