Re: Website update

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Máirí­n Duffy wrote:
> I wanted the middle area to take up as much width as possible because
> I would like this template at some point to maybe be usable for the
> wiki. The wiki needs a great amount of horizontal space. I also
> wanted to leave the option open for a right-side banner/control bar.
Aha, I was actually wondering if this would also be used on the wiki- if
we add a right banner/bar, then this is no longer an issue.

> The text color was changed to grey to give a slightly less-jarring, 
> lower contrast between the white background which is supposed to me
> more readable and I think looks a little slicker.
I see where you're coming from with this- perhaps we can use a slightly
darker grey?

> The text style has been made much smaller which makes it more
> difficult to read, and the spacing is off so some of the elements on
> the page feel like they don't have enough breathing space.
Strange.. I actually intended to make the text slightly larger (as it
displays on my computer)- may I ask what browser/resolution, etc. you're
viewing it in?

> The image banner is not scalable, it would not look as good if it
> was, and honestly scaling a banner like that is not useful; it
> doesn't add any value if it's wider because you'd just be adding
> empty spcae, not content if you expanded it.
I didn't want the image itself to scale- I just didn't want to allow it
to fix the width of the sidebar. Basically, when the user adjusts the
font size, I would like for the width of the sidebar to change to

> The moz border radius is extremely light though, requires less hacky 
> html, and takes up no space in images.
I definitely prefer it over images, but I really like the rounded corner
effect and would just like to have it in non-gecko browsers too (it
looks out of place in other browsers).

> I just have one extra div container on the body to implement it. I
> like the shadows being very thin, the content area takes the stage
> more then, there's more space to work with in the main content area,
> and I think the shadows are a nice element. I wanted them to make the
> content area pop out more. It's a style that is popular on a lot of
> websites these days.
As it currently, stands, I feel that the shadow image itself pops up a
as opposed the the content. I don't think emphasizing the content is
purely about the area that it takes up- when you have some space around
the content, it's emphasized as well, in a different way.

> This is a pretty standard web page layout style. The space underneath
>  the navigation bar can eventually be used for banners and little
> info feeds (eg you could have a little widget that displays the
> latest few Fedora News items, etc.)
Those additions would definitely take away from the impact of the
problem. On the front page, though, I'd probably want news to take a
more central role than a sidebar widget.

> The width of the banner and navigation bar looks too wide in your
> page layout because the main content area only takes up 80%. There's
> 20% wasted space + the wasted space under the navigation you're
> referring to.
Yes, but that 20% doesn't *look* wasted- I think it serves to
emphasize/contrast the content instead. In, that space
appears right in the middle, between the sidebar and the content, making
it very obvious to the reader. As I said earlier, none of this will be
an issue once we add right banner/control bar (although we still might
have to reduce the size of the left bar to make more room for it). In
this case, maybe I should have used a unit other than %, displaying the
middle based on the text, not the size of the viewport.

> The links on that page then point to the anchors for the specific
> things (eg clicking on bittorrent brings up the bittorrent anchor on
> the page.)
Ah, perfect, then.

Based on some of your comments, I've made some changes (and a copy with
a wider page, if that looks better):
To illustrate what I was saying with the space under the sidebar, I've
copied the paragraph a few times to make a longer page.

If you have any quick comments, etc.  I should be listening in
#fedora-websites/#fedora-admin/checking my e-mail obsessively as always.

Thanks for the comments,

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