Re: Wiki Theme

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Wow, cool.

On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 20:59 -0400, Máirí­n Duffy wrote:

> Although I am not 100% happy with the look (needs more cowbell/bling!), 
> I do think the theme addresses some of my long time usability nags with 
> our current theme (the placement of the account preferences always 
> bugged me, for example). 

You took care of one that has long bugged me, the content getting tucked
under the right nav bar.  I tested a table layout, and it worked great:

I'm very very very happy with that look.  I also like how the text wraps
around the nav element, as seen here;

> I was also looking to come up with a style that 
> would fit in nicely on another CMS, so maybe we could use the wiki for 
> being a wiki and have a CMS that is managed more carefully for 
> non-contributors looking to learn more about Fedora - see the navbar in 
> the mocks? (not in the theme yet)

+1  Yes, this design separates the Wiki-ness in a way that we can use it
for multiple faces.  Perhaps the Edit etc. tools can be a general tools
area where the Web-app specific tools are displayed.

I notice the "More Actions:" drop-down is missing; is that intentional?
Perhaps it could sneak back into the right-side menu?  Or does it belong
with the other action tools?

> I figured I would send this out so more people knew about it (folks have 
> been helping me out with it this weekend in #fedora-admin). If anybody 
> has ideas on how to improve it (especially bling-wise :) ) let's discuss it!

One thing that is bothering my eyes is the way the Edit et al tools
bounce when moused-over.  The cool highlighting (I like) makes the other
elements shift out of the way when it is activated (I don't like).

The table of contents [[TableOfContents]] is a little plain/unadorned.
It could use something to make it stand out just a bit.  Faint border
around it?  I'd also like to see the sub-headers not get so much leading

One thing I wonder ... the color of the general paragraph and header
font is a medium gray.  I've heard about some advantages to doing that,
and it looks fine for me.  I'm wondering how it looks for people with
worse vision than mine.  I reckon Paul Frields saw this already, and he
is usually one of my bellwethers in this regard.

Formatting example:

Other feature ideas ...

* Use some of the banner space to display the Fedora News feed; we're
going to be doing a more regular update (daily?), so the content would
be fresher.

* Replace the search with a fancy, AJAX search (with an elegant failure
method) that searches across all Fedora websites.  Maybe the fancy AJAX
allows for inline filtering of searches, etc.

cheers - Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor    ^     Fedora Documentation Project 
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