Did you know our MoinMoin Wiki supports RSS? According to HelpOnActions at: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HelpOnActions "rss_rc: generate a RSS feed of RecentChanges." That's good. We can now monitor RecentChanges via RSS. But did you also know you can target certain pages with following extension? http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ExtensionProposals/RssLocalFilter "The current MoinMoin RSS feeds all the changes in the target site. But someone has interests on a part of pages only, and does not want to get feeds for the entire changes in the site." "Using this modification, you can limit the RSS feed for a target page and its subpages only." How about it? Can we implement this on fedoraproject.org? -- Thomas Chung FedoraNEWS.ORG (http://fedoranews.org) "..where you can free your knowledge for your free community!"