Hay All,
On my Dell Inspiron 3721 I had a crash : HD drive defect. So i
installed a SSD drive (1TB) and decided to convert from MBR to GPT.
I did a fresh install of Windows 10 Professionel : No problem ; Runs fine.
Then I did an attempt to a fresh install of Fedora 41 by a netinstall
.ISO on DVD: Not succesfull. So I did a retry with the Mediawriter :
Not succesfull.
When running the test and install on both media I get the following
messages :
ipi:dmi :Base adress is zero , assuming no IPMI interface.
ACPI Bios error (bug) Could not resolve symbol [
\_SB.PC10.GFX0.DD02_BCL1, AE_not_found (20240322/psargs-332).
ACPI Error : Aborting method \_SB.PC10.PEG0.PEGP.DD02_BCL due to
previous error (AE_not_found) (202w40322 /psparse-529).
Additional message when testing the install with Netinstall .ISO on DVD
: Fragment count zero , Supported iso no.
When I try to install with the Mediawriter the proces is aborted , when
doing with the Netinstall .ISO on DVD Fedora 41 can be installed but
there is no bootloader , but in the BIOS there are two bootfiles.
So I can go in the BIOS and change the boot options in boot Windows or
boot Fedora. and both OSses run fine.
Any help would be usefull , kind regards ,
Ger van Dijck.
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