Re: machine will not boot after moving root

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>From what I can see with mine 7 places would be about right.

Is that uuid the current one for sda3 or the old uuid for sda5?  if it
is not the one for sda3 that would be an issue.  It kind of looks like
the *3a uuid is from the bootcd so that would be wrong, if you run the
grub2-mkconfig and the grub2-install inside the chroot that should not
be happening.  but if you ran the command outside they would be using
the info from the livecd.  so is important to mount everything under
/mnt with the commands from prior and then chroot . and then run the
commands in that.   then when you exit (in the chroot) you will go
back to outside the chroot.  It is possible that
grub2-install/mkconfig does not work quite like the prior version of
grub-install.    If the root of the livecd is not mounted inside the
chroot environment then there should be no way for it to get the other
uuid (outside of reading it from either /proc/cmdline, or possibly
relying on the symbolic links in sys that have the uuids in them
pointing to the iso's root).  if if it does not use sda3's uuid then
you a manual edit may be required.

I have never used grub rescue so I am not sure.    Did you try exit
typically that would reboot, and if you exit back to another prompt
then try reboot there.  Not sure if ctrl-alt-del will work. "echo b >
/proc/sysrq-trigger" might work if proc is mounted and sysrq-trigger
is enabled.

the grub2-mkconfig will create a new file that you can use to replace
the current grub.cfg and if the above uuid is not the uuid for sda3
that would need to happen.  That uuid would appear to be telling grub
where to find its config files and boot files.  if that uuid was wrong
in grub.cfg make sure to either update the one in grubenv or make sure
the mkconfig does (the man page has an option to not update grubenv so
it may do that right).    Make sure that the uuid changes to the sda3
one in grub.cfg, if it is not changing you may need to manually edit
both of them.  I am not sure anyone has a nice set of instructions for
changing the uuid/boot device.

The uuid is also probably going to be in grubenv but if you boot far
enough that will get you a kernel crash/failure to find root.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 5:37 PM Michael Hennebry
<hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Apr 2021, Roger Heflin wrote:
> > What is the exact error you are getting?
> Something along the lines of
> UUID 2b82edc2-4eb2-44a0-8b5b-c71da0de9b3a not found.
> > With the hard disk only does it find grub and does it display a menu
> > or drop you to the grub> prompt?
> I get the grub prompt.
> > If it displays a menu and you select one of them what does it then do?
> No menu.
> > The uuid will also be on the kernelopts line, but if that was the
> > error you would have failure to mounted root after the kernel tried to
> > boot.
> The offending UUID is listed in the grub.cfg file in seven places.
> Not sure what that tells you.
> Apparently grub can find sda3/boot/grub2/grub/cfg
> even though grub rescure can find no partitions, just (hd0).
> > all of the commands would need to be run in the chroot setup (after
> > the chroot . and before exiting chroot-mainly the grub2-mkconfig that
> > updates grub.cfg and the grub2-install for /dev/sda.
> >
> > I would stay away from the centos boot, nothing it can do will be good
> > since you are running a newer grub setup.  It is better to use newer
> > livecds than older ones (ie I f27 all of the time to rescue el5/6/7
> > version and chroot into the actual machine to be fixed environ after
> > mounted it all).
> After chroot I should get the grub stuff from sda3 , correct?
> My DVD machine no longer likes my F33 DVD.
> I'll need to make a new one.
> Is there a way to tell grub rescue to
> reboot without pressing the power button?
> --
> Michael   hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> "Sorry but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number,
> a haiku, a gang sign, a heiroglyph, and the blood of a virgin."
>                                                               --  someeecards
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