Re: Where's the best place to discuss Cura issues?

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On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 2:59 PM Tom Horsley <horsley1953@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 1 Dec 2020 14:34:17 -0500
Fulko Hew wrote:

> Any suggestions?

Start it from a terminal and see if anything shows up on stderr.

This is the stuff a some initial 'Loading machines', 'Loading UI' happens.
I don't see anything catastrophic in there.

2020-12-01 15:00:55,292 - DEBUG - [MainThread] [830]: Booting Cura took 1.5601575374603271 seconds
2020-12-01 15:00:55,292 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] [174]: Started background loading of MachineNodes
2020-12-01 15:00:55,292 - DEBUG - [Thread-1] [185]: All MachineNode loading completed
2020-12-01 15:00:55,405 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [33]: Updating CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2020-12-01 15:00:55,406 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [38]: No active GlobalStack, set CustomQualityProfilesDropDownMenu
Model as empty.
2020-12-01 15:00:55,407 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [62]: Updating QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel.
2020-12-01 15:00:55,407 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.Machines.Models.QualityProfilesDropDownMenuModel._update [74]: No active GlobalStack, set quality profile model as empty.
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/UM/Qt/Bindings/ DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float).  Implicit conversion to integers using __int__
is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.
 target_offset = self._target - QPoint(self.x(), self.y())
2020-12-01 15:00:55,474 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [210]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True
2020-12-01 15:00:55,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [112]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.
2020-12-01 15:00:55,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [113]: OpenGL Version:  4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 20.2.3
2020-12-01 15:00:55,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [114]: OpenGL Vendor:   Intel
2020-12-01 15:00:55,480 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [115]: OpenGL Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)
2020-12-01 15:00:55,481 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [116]: GLSL Version:    4.60.0
2020-12-01 15:00:55,481 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/default.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,486 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/selection.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,487 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/select_face.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,488 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/default.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,489 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/composite.shader]...
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/UM/Qt/ DeprecationWarning: tostring() is deprecated. Use tobytes() instead.
 data = ""
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/UM/Qt/ DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float).  Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is deprecated,
and may be removed in a future version of Python.
 self._gl.glViewport(0, 0, self._viewport_width, self._viewport_height)
2020-12-01 15:00:55,490 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/overhang.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,492 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/striped.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,494 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/transparent_object.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,495 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/striped.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,496 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/xray.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,497 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/xray_composite.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:00:55,499 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/uranium/resources/shaders/platform.shader]...
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/UM/View/GL/ DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float).  Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is d
eprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.
 self._fbo = QOpenGLFramebufferObject(width, height, buffer_format)
/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/UM/View/GL/ DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type float).  Implicit conversion to integers using __int__ is depr
ecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python.
 QColor(value.r * 255, value.g * 255, value.b * 255, value.a * 255))
2020-12-01 15:00:55,513 - DEBUG - [MainThread] UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [58]: Loading shader file [/usr/share/cura/resources/shaders/xray.shader]...
2020-12-01 15:01:05,328 - DEBUG - [MainThread] cura.AutoSave._onTimeout [59]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles

When I run it I get thousands of lines of output (but I apparently
did the initial setup long ago and forgot about it because it
already knows I have a solidoodle 2 (antique :-) 3d printer.

Even though I'm up to date on fedora 33, I also get a notice
that a new version of cura is available, so f33 isn't the latest

It's much later than the version I've been using up until now,
when my drive died and I was forced/encouraged to update my system.
Now I'm just trying to get it back to a usable state.
(freeCAD changes are also forcing me to re-engineer some of my designs
because the older .fcstd file format seem incompatible with this latest version.)

I normally use Repetier Host (because I'm used to it) and it can
use the cura engine as a slicer.

I tried it years ago, and gave up because _I_ couldn't understand how to use it.
On the other hand... Cura was obvious/intuitive for me.

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