Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

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> $ dig @
> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

>> If that kind of thing fails, then you won't be able to run your own
>> DNS server, there's something blocking necessary network traffic.

> That explains the bind / named failure I'm seeing.

You could test whether its your service provider or your router
blocking that traffic.  Set the router to use as its DNS
server, and see if it can still resolve names.  Use the dig command
with the @ portion set to the router's IP.  Try and resolve a name it
won't have an already cached answer for.

If the router is the problem, look for its firewall settings.

>> That's an odd hostname.  [localhost.Home.localhost.Home]

> I wonder if my thrashing around on this issue did something that is
> somehow causing the change.  I don't recall seeing it before.
> Jul 03 08:18:22 localhost.Home systemd-hostnamed[858]: Changed host name to 'localhost.Home'
> Jul 03 08:18:22 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
> Jul 03 08:18:21 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[20472]: <info>  [1562167101.6542] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to 'localhost.Home' (from address lookup)
> Definitely something I did.  I should probably figure out what I did
> and reverse it in case there are things that expect localdomain
> instead of Home.

On Linux, and elsewhere, most things expect localhost and to
resolve into each other in both directions.  And they are the
equivalent of the computer seeing itself in the mirror, and saying
"me".  The computer should resolve that without resorting to a DNS
server, since it's in /etc/hosts (which is consulted first).  But most
DNS servers have an entry for localhost, for completeness's sake.

The .localdomain suffix is a Linux oddity, and I know of nothing that
needs it, nowadays.  In the past, I'd noticed something like sendmail
demanded at least one dot in the hostname.

The .home suffix is often used by routers which provide DHCP, and
sometimes an integrated DNS server (where it can resolve its doled out
hostnames).  It was/is quite common that routers will assign hostnames
with DHCP, but provide no way for the names to be resolved.

Other hostnames shouldn't horse around with localhost.  In other words,
set a unique hostname for the computers network IP, that doesn't use
the word.  Give services the hostname that other devices will find them
at, not localhost (that name only applies to itself, all other devices
will also think of themselves as localhost).

#IP          name            alternative names (aliases)    localhost       localhost.localdomain  backup          backup.lan  backup.home  backup.localdomain  filestore.home  filestore

Just giving multiple examples of how can be used.  The first name after
the IP is the one given if something checks for the hostname of an IP. 
The other names will also be associated with the IP.

With a DNS server, the hosts file only needs to carry the
line, all other names and IPs would be resolved by the DNS server.

>> Link-local addresses are not resolved by traditional DNS servers, on
>> port 53.  It uses multicast DNS (mdns) on a different port, such as
>> 5353.  It runs independently, and is not co-operative with
>> traditional DNS.

> That doesn't sound like my system, since I get assigned a dhcp
> address by the router.

Without testing, I couldn't say what scheme/schemes your router
supports.  So many things use it now, such as home network printers.

If it's enabled in your computer, it can use all of these different
schemes.  And the first one to answer wins.  So slow DHCP servers will
be a problem.

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