Re: Home Routers (Totally OT)

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On 08/19/2018 05:26 PM, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
It looks like the DHCP setup message from the Trend server does request the client (amito) to use search domain tew-818dru

Yes, it does, but I don't know how that is relevant. It's a bad setup, but common.

On Sat, 2018-08-18 at 10:01 -0700, Samuel Sieb wrote:
This suggests that you might have connected this router to the main one
using a LAN port, which is a recipe for disaster if not configured
correctly.  In that case, the Android device might get a DHCP answer
from the new router over the network which is how it would show up there.

I find this a little perplexing. How else can this router be attached to the main one except by using a LAN port?  It is in fact connected to port 4. Here is the main router (gateway)'s report of its status:

I was referring to the Trendnet. Which port on that device are you using to connect to the main router?

Turn off the DHCP server (and DNS if possible) on this new router.  If
possible, set the router to get a DHCP address on the LAN side.  If you
can't, then set a static address so that you can access it in future.
Connect this router to your existing network using the LAN port.  This
should make things work the way you want.

I find this also perplexing. I think you're advising me that the best thing is to use the secondary router (Trend) as a hub and let all name resolution etc. be done by the main router (Gateway). This is certainly desirable; but I don't think it's possible. Also, I think you mean that the "static address" you refer to is a the address of Trend as set by Gateway. In fact, Gateway has an infinite lease time, so this should happen by default.

I don't think I've come across a router that doesn't let you do this. I downloaded the manual for your router and the setting is in Advanced->Setup->LAN Setting. Disable the DHCP server. Also in there, change the IP address to one that is available on your main network since it doesn't appear to accept being a DHCP client on the LAN side. Make sure it's not in the range used by the DHCP pool on your main network. After applying that, connect the Trendnet router to your network using one of the LAN ports on the Trendnet router.
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