Re: Data migration for replacing HDD with SSD - suggestions?

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On 12/16/2017 08:07 PM, stan wrote:
On Sat, 16 Dec 2017 18:50:57 -0500
Temlakos <temlakos@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

1. How can you write the linking commands so that they will execute 
automatically at startup, rather than your having to "sudo ln -s 
[source] [destination]" for every directory for every user every time 
you restart your system? (I'm likely to be shutting down and
restarting every day and sometimes twice or three times a day,
depending on whether I can solve the "KDE Plasma 5 system hang"
problem with this new installation.)
Once they are set they are there until you remove them.  They're like
directories, they are always there.  Restarting and shutting down
doesn't affect them.

2. Could you give me an example of such a linking system, with names 
changed to protect your privacy?
Suppose I have a directory called /mnt/data_drive/source
where I keep source code on my data drive.

Then, in my home directory, I just have the link source, that I set up
ln -s /mnt/data_drive/source source
Once that is in place, if I am in my home directory I can type
cd source
and it will take me to /mnt/data_drive/source, and if I am somewhere
else I can type
cd ~/source
and it will do the same thing.

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Let me see if I understand the result:

I need to set up links to:

1. All folders that I want to hold on the data drive, including configuration files that I want to preserve from one iteration to the next--like .thunderbird, .firefox, .chrome, .adobe, and so on. These would be the top-level folders, the ones in the home directory, and not the subfolders.

2. Any file that, for whatever reason, is sitting in my home directory and that I haven't made up my mind to place into a folder, like Downloads or Pictures or Documents--whatever. (This might include password files, if I can get the old Password Manager program reinstalled. I have an rpm for that, but I don't know whether that would install or not.)

And I must do that for every user account.

And when I do that, any folder that I create on the "data disk," the system will find by starting from /home/[user-ident].

At least, I don't think you're recommending setting up symlinks to every single file and subfolder in a user's account! Someone (Fred Roller, I think) said the process needs to be invisible to the user.

Question: would you preserve all hidden application configuration files on the separate drive? Or do some things deserve to reside on the system drive and get overwritten with every clean install?


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