Re: WiFi - Realtek - rtl8812au

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On 02.02.2015 21:59, Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 02/02/2015 08:57 AM, poma wrote:
>> On 01.02.2015 21:19, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>> On 01/30/2015 10:26 AM, poma wrote:
>>>> On 29.01.2015 23:00, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>>>> On 01/30/2015 08:34 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>>>>> On 01/30/2015 06:47 AM, poma wrote:
>>>>>>> On 29.01.2015 20:25, poma wrote:
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> Try this
>>>>>>>>> $ git clone
>>>>>>>>> $ cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux/
>>>>>>>>> $ git log -1
>>>>>>>>> commit 7a427372bf5540285d95f090ad5523019a365415
>>>>>>>>> Author: MilhouseVH <milhouseVH.github@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> Date:   Thu Dec 18 11:42:48 2014 +0000
>>>>>>>>>        Add support for kernel 3.18
>>>>>>>> Also try PLD Linux method:
>>>>>>>> $ curl -JLO
>>>>>>>> $ tar xf rtl8812au-master.tar.gz
>>>>>>>> $ curl -JLO
>>>>>>>> $ tar xf rtl8812au_linux-master.tar.gz
>>>>>>>> $ cp rtl8812au-master/*.patch rtl8812au_linux-master/
>>>>>>>> $ cd rtl8812au_linux-master/
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < linux-3.11.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < disable-debug.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < enable-cfg80211-support.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < update-cfg80211-support.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < warnings.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < gcc-4.9.patch
>>>>>>>> $ patch -p1 < linux-3.18.patch
>>>>>>>> $ make
>>>>>>>> $ su
>>>>>>>> # cp 8812au.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
>>>>>>>> # depmod
>>>>>>>> # modprobe -v 8812au
>>>>>>>> # dmesg
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> RTL871X: module init start
>>>>>>>> RTL871X: rtl8812au v4.3.2_11100.20140411
>>>>>>>> RTL871X: build time: Jan 29 2015 20:10:14
>>>>>>>> usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8812au
>>>>>>>> RTL871X: module init ret=0
>>>>>>>> Ref.
>>>>>>>> Driver for AC1200 (802.11ac) Wireless Dual-Band USB Adapter
>>>>>>>> &
>>>>>>>> rtl8812au Linux driver (v4.3.2 fork) for Realtek based 802.11ac devices
>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>> This repo is also interesting:
>>>>>>> Rewrite RTL 8812 driver
>>>>>>> even has firmwares:
>>>>>>> $ ls rtl8821au/firmware/
>>>>>>> rtl8812aufw.bin  rtl8821aufw.bin
>>>>>>> make produces:
>>>>>>> ... error: macro "__DATE__"
>>>>>>> ... error: macro "__TIME__"
>>>>>>> Classic! :)
>>>>>> That's the error I was getting with the original program that led to
>>>>>> this thread.
>>>>>> I'll also try the PLD drivers and see how they go.
>>>>> I've run the PLD patch process and the make to build the driver which I
>>>>> am using at the moment. I'll monitor this for a while and see how it
>>>>> goes. I'll also need to do the compile again as I have also just done an
>>>>> update run which has updated to the 3.18 kernel.
>>>> Take your time, man.
>>>> BTW what Vendor & Product/Model is that RTL8812AU device,
>>>> what is the output of 'lsusb'?
>>>> Also you mentioned Belkin router, what Vendor & Product/Model is it?
>>> The usb adapter is a  Dlink DWA-182, its model number is DWA180A1. Lsusb
>>> doesn't show much at all but is below. Bus 003 Device 002 is the adapter.
>>> Just as a matter of interest what is Foundation 2.0 in the display below?
>>> The modem/router is a Belkin 922 AC1750 with model number F9J1108V2.
>> Router
>> This is the nearest to specification of what I found
> That device looks like mine, but most of their devices look the same. 
> Looking at that device and the price, I may have confused things. My 
> device is a modem/router, but Belkin have a strange setup. The modem 
> part is not built into the router, it is built into the power plug that 
> you plug into the wall socket. The power plug has two output cables, one 
> to plug into the power socket on the router, the other to plug into the 
> wan socket on the router to provide the modem capabilities. When we 
> eventually get the fibre internet facilities and they supply the modem 
> for that service all I have to do to use that modem is unplug the power 
> supply modem from the wan socket and plug the fibre modem in.
>> Did I already mention Qualcomm Atheros QCA9880 somewhere. :)
>> But probably yours is UK version
> Its possible its a UK version, I bought it from a local retail store 
> here in Australia who sold computer systems as well as other things 
> (they weren't a dedicated computer store), but its anybody's guess where 
> the sourced the product from.
>> Without FCC ID I cannot conclude what is actual device.
>> You're right as far as DD-WRT support
>>> Bus 003 Device 002: ID 2001:3315 D-Link Corp.
>> Adapter
>> If the reference are VID & PID
>> It is USB 3.0 device?
> Given that the sparse documentation with the device said it should be 
> used in a USB 3.0 port for optimal performance I would assume it is, but 
> I have installed the same device on my wife's computer which only USB 
> 2.0 ports and it works quite happily with the same windows driver.
> The link you provided above points to an Edimax device that they are 
> saying has Linux drivers that can be used for the DWA-182 based on the 
> chipset. I've downloaded the drivers but I won't use them yet.
>> Does "PLD Linux method" work?
> So far the PLD driver seems to be working fine, I haven't had any kernel 
> core crashes yet. If this driver continues to work as it is now I'll 
> continue to use it rather than trying out the edimax driver.
>> Is that the only 802.11ac adapter you have?
> This device is the only 802.11ac adapter I have. The ac modem/router I 
> am using is the first ac router I have used. I also have a voip device 
> plugged into the router as this setup is replacing my modem/router/voip 
> combo device I bought from my ISP that I have had nothing but problems 
> with from the day I bought it (the device has been replaced 6 times and 
> every device developed different problems).

Thanks to the description.

>> If you can it would be nice to make measurements with 'iperf'.
> I've now installed both iperf and iperf3. I just have to now figure out 
> how to use them.

$ rpm -q iperf

If you are going to test in both directions, open a port 5001 TCP on both sides.

$ iperf -s -i 1

$ iperf -c <PC-A IP> -i 1

Afterward you can replace the role:

PC-B :
$ iperf -s -i 1

$ iperf -c <PC-B IP> -i 1

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