Re: WiFi - Realtek - rtl8812au

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On 02/02/2015 08:57 AM, poma wrote:
On 01.02.2015 21:19, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/30/2015 10:26 AM, poma wrote:
On 29.01.2015 23:00, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/30/2015 08:34 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/30/2015 06:47 AM, poma wrote:
On 29.01.2015 20:25, poma wrote:
Try this
$ git clone

$ cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux/
$ git log -1
commit 7a427372bf5540285d95f090ad5523019a365415
Author: MilhouseVH <milhouseVH.github@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Dec 18 11:42:48 2014 +0000

       Add support for kernel 3.18

Also try PLD Linux method:

$ curl -JLO
$ tar xf rtl8812au-master.tar.gz

$ curl -JLO
$ tar xf rtl8812au_linux-master.tar.gz

$ cp rtl8812au-master/*.patch rtl8812au_linux-master/

$ cd rtl8812au_linux-master/

$ patch -p1 < linux-3.11.patch
$ patch -p1 < disable-debug.patch
$ patch -p1 < enable-cfg80211-support.patch
$ patch -p1 < update-cfg80211-support.patch
$ patch -p1 < warnings.patch
$ patch -p1 < gcc-4.9.patch
$ patch -p1 < linux-3.18.patch

$ make

$ su

# cp 8812au.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
# depmod
# modprobe -v 8812au

# dmesg
RTL871X: module init start
RTL871X: rtl8812au v4.3.2_11100.20140411
RTL871X: build time: Jan 29 2015 20:10:14
usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl8812au
RTL871X: module init ret=0

Driver for AC1200 (802.11ac) Wireless Dual-Band USB Adapter
rtl8812au Linux driver (v4.3.2 fork) for Realtek based 802.11ac devices

This repo is also interesting:

Rewrite RTL 8812 driver

even has firmwares:
$ ls rtl8821au/firmware/
rtl8812aufw.bin  rtl8821aufw.bin

make produces:
... error: macro "__DATE__"
... error: macro "__TIME__"

Classic! :)
That's the error I was getting with the original program that led to
this thread.
I'll also try the PLD drivers and see how they go.
I've run the PLD patch process and the make to build the driver which I
am using at the moment. I'll monitor this for a while and see how it
goes. I'll also need to do the compile again as I have also just done an
update run which has updated to the 3.18 kernel.
Take your time, man.

BTW what Vendor & Product/Model is that RTL8812AU device,
what is the output of 'lsusb'?
Also you mentioned Belkin router, what Vendor & Product/Model is it?
The usb adapter is a  Dlink DWA-182, its model number is DWA180A1. Lsusb
doesn't show much at all but is below. Bus 003 Device 002 is the adapter.
Just as a matter of interest what is Foundation 2.0 in the display below?
The modem/router is a Belkin 922 AC1750 with model number F9J1108V2.

This is the nearest to specification of what I found
That device looks like mine, but most of their devices look the same. Looking at that device and the price, I may have confused things. My device is a modem/router, but Belkin have a strange setup. The modem part is not built into the router, it is built into the power plug that you plug into the wall socket. The power plug has two output cables, one to plug into the power socket on the router, the other to plug into the wan socket on the router to provide the modem capabilities. When we eventually get the fibre internet facilities and they supply the modem for that service all I have to do to use that modem is unplug the power supply modem from the wan socket and plug the fibre modem in.

Did I already mention Qualcomm Atheros QCA9880 somewhere. :)

But probably yours is UK version
Its possible its a UK version, I bought it from a local retail store here in Australia who sold computer systems as well as other things (they weren't a dedicated computer store), but its anybody's guess where the sourced the product from.

Without FCC ID I cannot conclude what is actual device.

You're right as far as DD-WRT support

Bus 003 Device 002: ID 2001:3315 D-Link Corp.
If the reference are VID & PID
It is USB 3.0 device?
Given that the sparse documentation with the device said it should be used in a USB 3.0 port for optimal performance I would assume it is, but I have installed the same device on my wife's computer which only USB 2.0 ports and it works quite happily with the same windows driver. The link you provided above points to an Edimax device that they are saying has Linux drivers that can be used for the DWA-182 based on the chipset. I've downloaded the drivers but I won't use them yet.

Does "PLD Linux method" work?

So far the PLD driver seems to be working fine, I haven't had any kernel core crashes yet. If this driver continues to work as it is now I'll continue to use it rather than trying out the edimax driver.
Is that the only 802.11ac adapter you have?
This device is the only 802.11ac adapter I have. The ac modem/router I am using is the first ac router I have used. I also have a voip device plugged into the router as this setup is replacing my modem/router/voip combo device I bought from my ISP that I have had nothing but problems with from the day I bought it (the device has been replaced 6 times and every device developed different problems).
If you can it would be nice to make measurements with 'iperf'.
I've now installed both iperf and iperf3. I just have to now figure out how to use them.

fn:Stephen Morris

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