Re: C/C++ Compiler Invalidly Turning Warnings into Errors? - Realtek RTL8811AU USB WiFi

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On 01/19/2015 08:02 AM, poma wrote:
On 18.01.2015 20:45, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/17/2015 08:07 PM, poma wrote:
On 17.01.2015 04:02, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/16/2015 08:38 AM, Stephen Morris wrote:
On 01/15/2015 11:46 PM, poma wrote:
On 15.01.2015 08:50, Stephen Morris wrote:
I have a driver for a wifi usb device that I need to compile because
there are no drivers in the kernel, which has been obtained from the
vendor of the device. When I attempt to compile the code the compile
fails on the grounds that some warnings are being translated into
errors. From my perspective these errors should not be happening
because, when a debugging module wants to time stamp the build, that is
not an error and is perfectly acceptable. How do I get the compiler to
stop producing these errors. The messages I get are listed below.

Authentication requested [root] for make driver:
make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C

make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/kernels/3.17.8-300.fc21.x86_64'
      CC [M]

      CC [M]

      CC [M]


In function ‘dump_drv_version’:

error: macro "__DATE__" might prevent reproducible builds
      DBG_871X_SEL_NL(sel, "build time: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);

error: macro "__TIME__" might prevent reproducible builds
      DBG_871X_SEL_NL(sel, "build time: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);

error: macro "__DATE__" might prevent reproducible builds

error: macro "__TIME__" might prevent reproducible builds

error: macro "__DATE__" might prevent reproducible builds

error: macro "__TIME__" might prevent reproducible builds
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
scripts/ recipe for target

make[2]: ***

Error 1
Makefile:1377: recipe for target

make[1]: ***

Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/kernels/3.17.8-300.fc21.x86_64'
Makefile:1350: recipe for target 'modules' failed
make: *** [modules] Error 2
Compile make driver error: 2
Please check error Mesg

$ sed -i '/uninitialized/ i\EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Wno-error=date-time'

If it crashes, try your luck with these:

$ git clone
$ cd rtl8812au/
$ git clone
$ cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux/
$ make
$ su
# cp 8812au.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
# depmod
# modprobe -v 8812au
Thanks poma, I'll check these out. The git source might be better than
what I have at the moment as the vendor source I have seems to be
requiring kernel config parameters that appear to not be active in the
kernels I am using.
I've compiled the code and after copying the compiled module and running
the modprobe the device immediately connected. I'll run a few more tests
and try a reboot to see if it still works successfully.
I am assuming that I will need to perform all these steps everytime the
kernel is upgraded, would that be correct?
If you put the source code on a permanent location,
this part of the procedure is necessary for a new i.e. an upgraded kernel:

$ cd /path/to/rtl8812au/
$ make clean
$ make
$ su
# cp 8812au.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/
# depmod
# modprobe -v 8812au
Thanks poma, I thought that might be the case. I already have the source
in a permanent location, I'll also place a text file in there with these
instructions so I don't forget.
Is the updates directory the location the default location for depmod
and modprobe? If a make install is done that places the ko file much
deeper in the directory path in a wireless subdirectory.
Is there any possibility that this driver will make it into the kernel
by default, or is the chipset too new with insufficient usage for that
to happen?

All locations are covered, however
/lib/modules/$(name -r)/updates is checked for modules first.

As for the device and official support in the kernel,
you can read Larry's response that Bob sent me.
Probably the same applies to the device you are using.
That's unfortunate. That support issue may not impact me for a lot longer, I'm having trouble with the device with games under windows where when the ping time goes through the roof the device never recovers, but my pci N adapter does, so I might look at moving back to a pci adapter. The only problem I have now is that it is very hard to get devices that support Linux from retail stores.

fn:Stephen Morris

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