Re: Raid 1 and Anaconda -

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On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA <bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Unfortunately Fedora 21 Server install would not go beyond the screen requiring selection of US English. At that point it gave an error message, gray text on an off white background which I can not read. I'm sure those install screens look pretty to the people producing them but you only need them once and move on, why not make them legible? I ran it twice and got the same result, no surprise I guess?

No idea. What was the error message? And do you have logs from /tmp you can post somewhere?

When it comes to GUI installers, I'm pretty much a dick and blame the installer from the beginning. Almost no matter what, it's not the user's fault, is my default position. So whether you're confused, or the installer's confused, doesn't really matter, it's probably a bug.

If you can file a bug describing the problem and post logs from /tmp, that's the way to make this better eventually. The most important ones to post for storage related issues are anaconda.log, program.log, and storage.log. And at least then I might be able to reproduce it.


I had an SL-7 Live disk handy, tried that and everything worked, if nothing else my skill level with the installer is improving. It looks like I will have to do it over since it has put everything into one 30G / partition. I naively  expected to be able to follow the scheme I had provided via fdisk but will fix that next try.

That's not much to go on but any suggestions as to how to get F21 server to run?

Well, you need to get it installed first. So you have to work around the error message.

Not knowing what the error message is or why the installer is confused, if I assume it's because of something about one or both of the layouts on the two 750G drives.

You could probably get away with using dd to wipe the first 10MB of both drives in order to start completely from scratch with just the installer in control of creating everything. Best practice is to do a top to bottom teardown which is what the installer does. It doesn't just repartition when you want to start over, it finds all the on-disk structures and sequentially (in the proper order) removes their signatures so the stale data doesn't turn into a zombie file system down the road; which I've had happen to me BTW.

It's still in testing but possible what might help you out is blivet-gui which would enable you to create a partitioned layout the way you want in advance, and hypothetically anaconda should just use that because both anaconda and blivet-gui use python-blivet as the underlying storage library.

Chris Murphy
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