Re: Fedora vs RHEL

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>>> It became the biggest OS infestation by devious business practices
>>> shoehorning it into personal computers.

>> Careful. Your paranoia is showing.  :-)

> that is not paranoia, it is a fact that cause a grand jury investigation.
> or, are you old enough to be aware of such?

I'm taking David's comment as a humourous response.  Anyone who thought
that Windows got where it has purely on its merits would have to be
extremely deluded or ignorant.

My other grandma comments were playing devil's advocate.

Anybody who is capable of learning how to use a computer, even if in the
most basic way, is capable of learning how to use a Windows, Mac, or
Linux PC.  They're all kind of similar in operation, and with modern
menus it's fairly easy to do basic stuff (easier on Linux, I'd say, as
you've got an organised menu that the others don't have, they just
shovel everything in randomly), and all kind of hard to do harder stuff.
So, as far as I'm concerned, anybody's grandma who can switch on their
computer and do email with Windows, can do the same with their Mac, or
Linux box.  They'll all take about as long to learn the basics.  So the
argument that only Windows is suitable for grandma is all bull.

The other point I was making was that barely-basic-computer-literate
grandma would be just as incapable of getting a broken computer to work
again, with any of the OSs.  Likewise with installing new software, or
reconfiguring existing software.  So, again, stating that only Windows
is suitable for grandma is a load of bull.

None of the OSs are really suitable for clueless people.  Even the
dumb/smart clients which are just an interface to software running out
on a cloud are just as bad.  If the user is accessing them through a web
browser, they're still at risk of doing something dangerous through
their web browser (visiting malware sites, falling for confirming their
banking details to fishers, et cetera).  And if they have some simpler
interface for the software that the cloud offers to them, they're just
as likely to make a hash of using that as software that actually runs on
their computer.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.8.4-102.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Mar 24 13:09:09 UTC 2013 x86_64

All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is no point
trying to privately email me, I will only read messages posted to the
public lists.

My apologies for not including a virus with this message, but I don't
use Windows.

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