Re: possible problem with scp/ssh/telnet

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On 8/16/2012 9:47 AM, Dave Ihnat wrote:

Pretty simple, really, and not that much different from Linux or Unix.
"sshd" underlies everything; it's wrappered in the magic that's needed for
it to exist as an installed service in Windows by the installation script.

Once installed, just go to "Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services"
(or just run "services.msc" from the command prompt) and look for
"ssh"--it's either in there as "Cygwin ssh" or "ssh"; it's changed over the
years.  In either case, it should be running.

Dave and Bill:

Thanks for the posts. I checked this and when things are working, it is there as CYGWIN sshd. I've made note to check this when I get my next failure.

As for configuration, from within a Cygwin shell, go to /etc and look at
sshd_config.  You'll find the port set to the default of '22' (although I
*always* change it--just using a non-standard port gets rid of the vast
majority of doorknob rattlers).  I also always add, at the bottom, the
"AllowUsers" directive.  Again, even fewer options for them to try.

This file looks like the default, so I am assuming this is not a problem

If it doesn't start as a service, look in /var/log (again, from within the
Cygwin environment).

The log is empty ... and I do have this memory of looking in all Cygwin log file when the error occurred and seeing nothing. I think I even remember this log file being empty. I'm not able to google anything for sshd under cygwin that addresses this and Linux sites seem to only show a -d for Debug Mode which does alot more than just sending verbose output to the log file. Am I missing something? My thought is that I want to capture verbose output for a successful run (from turning the XP box's power on to a successful ssh to self and one of the Linux boxes) to educate myself about what should happen and then leave it in to see what I get if there is a problem.

Of course, I've got to figure out where the sshd is for Cygwin / WinXP but that is off-topic for a Fedora list.

Cygwin SSH has had its problems over the years, but the recent versions
have been much more reliable in their installation and stable in operation.
Definitely make sure you've the latest.

I really try to only go to the latest Cygwin if I find a necessary reason (as opposed to being comfortable going to a new Fedora release after the next is released). Mine looks to be @10 months old. If the failure happens again and these suggestions give me enough to believe I have hit that "necessary reason", I'll update.

Thanks again,

ps: regarding "man in a loincloth with feathers in his hair dancing around a fire waving a dead chicken", I do keep a jpg of a rubber chicken on my Windows box.

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