Re: possible problem with scp/ssh/telnet

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Paul Allen Newell wrote:

On 8/12/2012 4:54 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 08/12/2012 07:46 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Whatever you say....

I look forward to your helping the OP to resolve his problem.


What's interesting is I have not gotten any postings from Reindl so I have no
idea what he has posted except through your replies. I've noticed that every now
and then I will get a bunch of emails from Reindl to the list and they are a day
or two old.

Oh well.

It was a bad idea to go to sleep and come back today. Everything is working now
(of course!)

However, I dug through all of my notes and can find at least two other times
where this happened and it was able to resolve itself via reboots, Windows disk
cleanup, POM, whatever).

I have just spent an hour trying to reproduce and can't do it. My naive guess is
that something gets flagged "no" on the Windows side (whether it is Windows or
cygwin is unclear) and some action causes that to get flagged "yes". And that is
based on a total lack of knowledge about how things are being handled in
cygwin/Windows ... except that it appears to be different as it is a Windows
box, after all.

I fired off an email to the cygwin list to see if anyone there has any clue.

If anyone on this list has any ideas, I am more than willing to try. That being
said, I cannot reproduce the error and may have to wait however long for it to
want to show itself again.

There are two parts to the processing, the firewall, which may reject incoming packets on port 22, and the daemon for ssh protocol (sshd on the Linux side), which actually listens on port 22. It appears that the daemon was not listening (probably not running).

What makes it run on Windows is unknown to me, I have not used Windows in years beyond opening IE in an XP VM to check what Windows users see on a website. I believe most Windows things are done by closed source proprietary magic, involving a man in a loincloth with feathers in his hair dancing around a fire waving a dead chicken. ;-)

Thanks for getting me focused on the right side of connection


Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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