Best variant of Fedora for a Virtual Machine...?

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I'm currently trying to study for the LPIC-1 Linux certification exam and part of it is to familiarize oneself with the different software management utilities. To this end I've tried to download and install 64-bit Fedora versions on a virtual machine. The version for Gnome just will not install, so moving down the list of options, I stumble upon the KDE version, download and install. So far, so good...

To practice prior to my exam I would like to be able to enter commands at the command line: obtaining (separate) terminal windows using KDE comes across as clunky (I usually use Ubuntu - sorry!). Whilst <CNTRL><ALT><F2> to enter a full terminal screen is straightforward, it's not helpful (to me at least) in terms of being able to switch between panes (I generally like a lot of them for things like man pages, different directories, etc.). Konqueror, Konsole and all other thinks, "K" start off as being chipper but after a day, not so much... Access via the main menu is now becoming more than tiresome.

I've trawled through the documentation as best I can (all I want is a couple of meaningful shortcut icons on a desktop - hardly a mammoth operation to my mind) in terms of, "getting started" but creating icons comes across as an insurmountable problem (That whole, "create shortcut on desktop" option just doesn't work on my installation . The shortcut appears: does it run when clicked? Does it cuckoo...). Simple things like mounting the CD drive from a command line can be summarized, according to my impression of Google forum replies, as, "RTFM! RTFM!... It's automatic (the only thing missing here is, 'You idiot')!". [Note: It's *NOT* automatic; nor is in any manual I could locate: one has to create a device folder (at least, that's how I fixed the problem in the end, having tried (and failed) to adopt the "Fedora way", assuming there is such a thing!)] Part of this familiarization process is the reason I downloaded Fedora in the first place, but as a general-purpose (Ubuntu) Linux user, don't really expect to have to read through the entire manual to be unable to accomplish the simplest tasks for a variant of an OS I'm relatively comfortable with.

In terms of rpm / yum, it's mainly plain sailing, but I'm having an issue which don't appear to be addressed effectively from google searches: I try and query packages (using -qv) to be informed that the package is not installed. I try and install it to be informed it's already installed! Any advise you can offer in this regard would be gratefully received.

Equally, I (over?)looked the FAQs for this mailing list, so my pitiful cry for advise in terms of a palatable variant of Fedora may well be a case of, "RTFM, ..."

Finally(!) a question: At the risk of opening a kettle of worms [can of worms / kettle of fish] I believe I'm having a poor Fedora experience because of my being unable to adopt a KDE mindset (correctly?). I believe I've missed something really 'obvious' with regards to the UI. Is it possible to eliminate KDE or should I attempt a different download? Which would you recommend? Am I creating problems for myself by selecting a 64-bit installation or should I go with 32-bit?

Hope you can help.

Thanks for reading,

Best wishes,

And Kemp.
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