Re: Power-off stupidity remains in Fedora 17

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On 14.06.2012 11:32, Ankur Sinha wrote:
On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 09:46 +0200, Mateusz Marzantowicz wrote:
You must be kidding or you are a masochist. It is idiotic to force
users to know the magical commands to turn off the computer! On my
desktop, yes - I can hold <Alt> and even 10 other keys only to change
menu item and power off. But it's really annoying on laptops when I
have to quickly switch them off and I do this 3 or 4 times a day. I do
not have to mention that it isn't written anywhere (besides the GNOME
docs maybe) so users get frustrated when they search for "power off"
button. It's very basic functionality and it shouldn't be hidden from
anyone nor should require additional steps from the user. 

Neither am I kidding, nor am I a masochist. I just don't like random
folks venting on mailing lists. If you haven't learnt yet, venting does
nothing. It doesn't bring any changes. All it does is waste infra. 

As you already know it does. This stupidity in GNOME is changed in next releases so each voice from frustrated users is important. It is the way wrong things can be heard and repaired.

Like N number of people have already written: Install the extension, no
more alt required. From F18, you'll have your poweroff back. In the
meantime, if alt is too much, and installing an extension one time is
too much, use something else. Move to another DE. 

I can install 100 extensions, I can even write them myself. But do I really have to, just to be able to power off my computer? It's not an advanced and uncommon functionality for Linux power users - it is a core feature of every DE to let their users power off the computer without thinking much how to do it. GNOME puts a lot of stress on usability but hiding shutdown button is really great usability violation and they thankfully realized that and changed.

Finally, tell my why should I run terminal just to power of my
computer? Maybe you propose that I install and run chain of 10 other
apps to shutdown the computer? LOL

3. if you use a terminal: "poweroff" works there
ER: "if"? That used to mean something..

Yep, you're right. My mistake.

What I'm suggesting is that you move to Windows/Mac if no DE in Linux
works for you. I'm sure you won't fork a DE to customize for yourself if
you can't install an extension or use alt. LOL.

I love that king of argument. If someone criticize something related to apps functionality, he is told to move to Windows or Mac. This doesn't solve any problem and doesn't stimulate any improvements. Just because I don't like one small issue doesn't mean I'm not happy with GNOME/Linux etc. Be more prudent.

I wold not fork anything because this problem is not worth of doing this and I don't see any benefits even for myself and fun of doing it. But don't laugh prematurely because open source have seen forks because of disagreements in devel camps.

Mateusz Marzantowicz
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