Re: [ABANDONING:] Re: fedora equivalent of recovery disk

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On 12/17/2011 10:02 PM, g wrote:


it is a sham/shame that stores do not have techs with more knowledge
than what they do. even tho most all systems are sold with oos, there
are still some that sell with linux.

therefore, give thought to set up a user home for tech to use and remove
everything from menu that he/she can cause problems with, including any

Already done ...

iow, leave him/her with firefox, thunderbird under kde. i doubt they could
handle gnome or anything else. also, set up ".bash_profile" and ".bashrc"
to a minimum.

They'll get thunderbird, but no email (if they want it, I'll have to have a reason). Good point about gnome / kde ... I was assuming that they wouldn't need a shell. I planned on leaving the rc files et al at default f14.
rename 'rm', 'kill', 'su', 'sudo', etc. then hope they do not know about
<ctrl+alt+fx>. ;)

Sudo should be controlled by sudoers file, right? So I only need to worry about 'su' and if they know it and are able to crack my rich password, then they know more than I do and its pointless to try to protect. Renaming 'rm' and 'kill' are good ideas I hadn't thought of ... they may be overkill but its not a bad idea for me to have a "you can't hurt me" account for other reasons (like my niece wanting to play with Linux and her boyfriend being "a video game major" who only knows Windows but knows it very well ...).

There's one of those cryptic emoticons after the <ctrl+alt+fx> .. I have to plead "not being hip" and making sure you aren't trying to tell me some info I need (yes, I am old-school and making expressive statements with a computer stopped at Christmas wreaths made of punch cards to the amusement of folks of that era).

There's no porn, child or otherwise, to have to worry about (I still
shake my head when I read stories about computer techs discovering it on
machines they've been asked to work on --- kind of a Henny Youngman
variant of "Arrest me -- please").

such was very dumb, but then again, they were using oos.

Very dumb is being kind ...

The issue is Maya Beta and my code that uses it. NDA and all that.

just rename and do not worry about it. because you have it backed up,
delete if you wish further safety.

Point of honor says I remove to DVD and restore afterwards ... I owe it to the folks I know developing Maya to act as though I was doing what they would wish. They've been good to me and I know they'd want it removed.

Yes, I have a backup that I'll only know is good when I need it.
if it was an rpm package, 'rpm -V' should work.

I'll try that, thanks for the suggestion (though I can't tell you whether what was stored is an rpm). Right now, I'm more interested in understanding the original email that explain what to do regarding getting boot info on. Plus I am trying to drill down the alternate Phoenix website (per your suggestion) to see if I can verify whether a bios upgrade would resolve that issue.


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