Re: fedora equivalent of recovery disk

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On 12/13/2011 9:27 AM, g wrote:

back to the begining. thread has gotten so long, this is easier than
finding my post that i know caused you more confusion.

in that post, i stated to install 'partedmagic' on a usb stick;

and add 'g4l' by pulling files, or as a second boot. *not needed*.

my bad. to correct, 'partedmagic' has both 'clonezilla' and 'g4l' on
it so there is no need to install it a second time.

as i recall posting;

in 'programs' page;

shows 'clonezilla';

listed, but does not list 'g4l';

it is there, because when i rebooted after my last email to thread last
night, i booted 'partedmagic' again to have another look.

i brought up both 'clonezilla' and 'g4l' and both are very straight
forward in their menus and you should have no problem using either.

understand, i do not claim to be an 'it specialist', such titles where
not know in 70's when i started learning about micro computer systems on
s100 buss.

because micro computers and 'it' were not being taught, i had to order
manuals from manufacturers to learn about the cpu's and assembler language.

so, because i am a lowly micro computer technician, self claimed title,
who builds, services, maintains personal computers, and who design, builds,
services, maintains micro cpu controllers, i will recommend getting a usb
memory stick, install 'partedmagic' on a partition of it, boot it and
decide for yourself which is easier, then use second partition of usb
stick to back your linux system up.

after you get your laptop serviced, reinstall fedora linux from usb stick.

if you want to free up usb stick, use fedora to back 'partedmagic' off usb
stick to a cd. this way you have usb stick for what ever use you want. if
needed,  you can reinstall later to usb stick.

again, my apoligies for confusion. due to pain i was having, i took 2
500 mg hydrocodone tabs and i will contribute that to my further confusing
next to last post last nigh.

i am now off to doctor's office. will check email when i return to see if
you have made any progress.

much luck.


Sorry to hear about the need for hydrocodone and understand they may have contributed to some of my confusion ... hope you get better.

I've got alot of good info and at least two options. Right now, I need to get the stick et al to do the work. That may take a couple days as I am in process of dealing with roof damage from those high winds in SoCal (my roof could use some of your pills)

My estimate is that I will have materials in a day or two and then another day or two to finish up checking out all the suggestions I've got. I am estimating that I'll test one or both over the weekend.

So assume that I've got enough info and just need to actually drive one of them. The forthcoming null in getting back to the list with "[SOLVED:]" (I hope) is not for lack of interest or not caring about about the help I've gotten. Its just that there is life outside of computers, though I'll take fretting over my laptop to roofing contractors.

Thanks to you and everyone else who helped,

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