Re: fedora equivalent of recovery disk

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On 12/14/2011 12:09 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> On 12/13/2011 9:27 AM, g wrote:
>> back to the begining. thread has gotten so long, this is easier than
>> finding my post that i know caused you more confusion.
>> in that post, i stated to install 'partedmagic' on a usb stick;
>> and add 'g4l' by pulling files, or as a second boot. *not needed*.
>> my bad. to correct, 'partedmagic' has both 'clonezilla' and 'g4l' on
>> it so there is no need to install it a second time.
>> as i recall posting;
>> in 'programs' page;
>> shows 'clonezilla';
>> listed, but does not list 'g4l';
>> it is there, because when i rebooted after my last email to thread last
>> night, i booted 'partedmagic' again to have another look.
>> i brought up both 'clonezilla' and 'g4l' and both are very straight
>> forward in their menus and you should have no problem using either.
>> understand, i do not claim to be an 'it specialist', such titles where
>> not know in 70's when i started learning about micro computer systems on
>> s100 buss.
>> because micro computers and 'it' were not being taught, i had to order
>> manuals from manufacturers to learn about the cpu's and assembler language.
>> so, because i am a lowly micro computer technician, self claimed title,
>> who builds, services, maintains personal computers, and who design, builds,
>> services, maintains micro cpu controllers, i will recommend getting a usb
>> memory stick, install 'partedmagic' on a partition of it, boot it and
>> decide for yourself which is easier, then use second partition of usb
>> stick to back your linux system up.
>> after you get your laptop serviced, reinstall fedora linux from usb stick.
>> if you want to free up usb stick, use fedora to back 'partedmagic' off usb
>> stick to a cd. this way you have usb stick for what ever use you want. if
>> needed,  you can reinstall later to usb stick.
>> again, my apoligies for confusion. due to pain i was having, i took 2
>> 500 mg hydrocodone tabs and i will contribute that to my further confusing
>> next to last post last nigh.
>> i am now off to doctor's office. will check email when i return to see if
>> you have made any progress.
>> much luck.

> G:
> Sorry to hear about the need for hydrocodone and understand they may
> have contributed to some of my confusion

thank you.

my first time with hydrocodone and will not double up again. but it
was nice. %-)

> hope you get better.

time heals all wounds. just do not ask how i got this one. :-)
i will say i will never do it again.

> I've got alot of good info and at least two options. Right now, I need 
> to get the stick et al to do the work.

with you giving it thought, i am sure you will end up with what is best
and easiest for you.

> That may take a couple days as I am in process of dealing with roof damage
> from those high winds in SoCal (my roof could use some of your pills)
> My estimate is that I will have materials in a day or two

from what i saw on local news, i can only imagine what you have to deal
with with your roof. as for what has to be done, i have an idea. my first
and only roofing work was covering a double gable roof i put on my 12x16
'yard barn' i built. it took me 4 days, but it is straight and all in line.
i even tared down each shingle to protect against high winds.

> another day or two to finish up checking out all the suggestions I've
> got. I am estimating that I'll test one or both over the weekend.
> So assume that I've got enough info and just need to actually drive one
> of them. The forthcoming null in getting back to the list with
> "[SOLVED:]" (I hope) is not for lack of interest or not caring about
> about the help I've gotten. Its just that there is life outside of
> computers, though I'll take fretting over my laptop to roofing contractors.

it is understandable that you will be delayed due to roof.

just keep a plastic sheet handy for computer in case it rains before
roof gets fixed. ;)

> Thanks to you and everyone else who helped,

it has been my pleasure and i hope that all goes well with both roof
and computer.

just remember the "6 p's";

  proper planing prevents piss poor performance.

looking forward to "[SOLVED:]".



peace out.



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