Re: Dealing with Fedora's mailing list

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On Sat, 2009-07-04 at 04:47 +0200, gilpel@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> If there's anybody here who's in charge of Fedora's mailing lists, I must
> say that the way you're dealing with susbscribers seems dishonest.
> When I subscribed, I was asked for a user name. This user name appears
> nowhere, just my email address. It seems the user name is just a way to
> make you believe that your email won't be divulged. Since I don't sleep
> well at all these days, I'm quite often absent-minded. So, I went back to
> Fedora's subscription interface in Firefox and, to my surprise, saw that
> Firefox remembered exactly what I had entered, my user name: LuckyDay.
> Well, fortunately, the support here is the best I've ever seen on any
> Linux group. Otherwise, I might not have considered the day so lucky :)
I am no sure what is bothering you but if you look at the Fedora-list
mail every post contains the name of the poster except yours. I odn't
know why that is. I assume you could enter any name and it would appear.
If spam is the problem employ spam filters. Using spamassassin in
evolution very qwuickly I receive no spam in any folder except my junk
> I don't know what's the reason for this, but it doesn't seem like a
> professional attitude to me.
> Certainly, nowhere do you see in plain english that your email address
> will be made public. Being used to dealing with forums, I made sure to use
> another address that the one at my provider, but is it any better? Now,
> it's Valentin Lacambre, who offers his email service for free, who will
> have to deal with the problem of maintaining his black list tip top.
> Of course, we all know that replacing the @ by (at) is no discouragement
> to spammers. A simple script can do the replacement and, when things get
> too complicated, there apparently are people in India who can do a more
> custum job for very cheap.
> Besides, what's the advantage of all those shenanigans to Red Hat? If I
> wanted to spam this group, I'd open an account at Altern, from there one
> at Google, from there, one at Yahoo, from there, one at Altern, from there
> one at Google, 10 times around. It would take months before all the
> addresses are exhausted.
> What would make sense, is asking people to subscribe from an address that
> correspond to an ISP. Even people who have their own mail server have a
> few addresses at their ISP. And even those servers could be accepted as
> they relate to the one from their ISP. Establishing a domain name for
> spamming is not very efficient either.
> I'm not much of a techie, you already know that, but it seems to me that
> the only way to prevent spamming is to prevent people from registering
> from email service providers such as Google, Yahoo... or Altern, where it
> takes only minutes to register, then bye-bye.
> But this is now permitted and there far as I can see, not that
> much spam. So, once again, why all those shenanigans?
> Back to the suggestions to solve my problem in real time.
> It was suggested that I use Gmane. My new server is
> (Formerly Motzarella.) The gmane groups are not available. I wrote to
> Wolfgang, whose's always doing his best to offer prime quality service...
> and never sent the email.
> With all his eternal-september users, the guy is busy. He surely knows
> about Gmane and, being an open-source user himself, if he doesn't offer
> Gmane, there must be a good reason for it.
> One I can think of is that many of his users are loonies, no-life spammers
> and, when they see the gmane groups, it's very likely that some of them
> will see as a challenge to taunt all those clever geeks.
> Another solution, if I understood well, would be to delete on arrival all
> emails coming from Fedora lists at Altern and reading/posting from my
> provider. (I hope I don't have to read at Altern and copy/paste at my
> provider to answer! That would be a pain too.) I checked and it seems that
> Evolution, Fedora's default email client for GNOME, permits threading.
> My problem, is setting it to deal with Fedora/Red Hat servers, which was
> done automagically at Altern but, when I send, I can't see the server I'm
> sending to in the interface and there's a sleuth of server addresses at
> Red Hat in the incoming headers, none of which have pop in them. I know
> it's not necessary, but is the first on the list the one to use?
> I had my fair share of trial and error these days. So, what should be my
> settings for pop and smtp, if those are the protocols used? If I use
> gilpel (at) altern org as my username and add my password, will Red Hat
> servers really see no diffrence whether I'm posting from Altern or my
> provider? Will emails be sent to Altern to check if I'm still using it as
> my email service provider?
> I hope maintainers of this list won't object to a clear answer to those
> questions...
Two wrights don't make a rong, they make an airplane. Or bicycles.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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