Valent Turkovic wrote:
first to say that I'm aware of current Fedora and compiz situation [1].
I'm not here to repeat discussion about compiz on by default but to
start a discussion first with users and then include developers on how
to make fedora and compiz-fusion work better.
I find compiz package and not also compiz-fusion package installed a
much needed correction by default and that is why I posted this RFE [2]
The title of the RFE doesn't make much sense. You might want to correct
that to reflect the current discussion.
Are there any of you who have some better idea how can we make fedora
and compiz-fusion work better for users? I find that installing
compiz-fusion is non-intuitive. Why? Because you need to install it with
this command:
yum install compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-gnome
compiz-fusion-extras-gnome libcompizconfig ccsm compiz-manager
how can this made easier?
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